Recipe detail

Vegan dishes Bunny Chow vegan

11. 1. 2022

Author: Retigo Team Deutschland

Company: RETIGO Deutschland GmbH

Food category: Vegan dishes

Cuisine: Indian

Program steps

  • Preheating:
  • 230 °C

To view the entire table, move the table to the right.

Erdnussöl, veganer Fleischersatz hinzugeben

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 210 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
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25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 210 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
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wenden, Kartoffeln, Möhren, Zwiebeln hinzugeben

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 210 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 


25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 210 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
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wenden, Pilze, Zimtstange, Sternanis, Kardamon hinzugeben

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 210 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 

wenden, restliche Gewürze, Tomaten, Kircherbsen hinzugeben

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 210 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
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mit Flüssigkeiten auffüllen

100 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:12 hh:mm
probe icon 145 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 

Ingredients - number of portions - 6

Name Value Unit
white bread 750 g
vegan meat alternative chicken style 400 g
white onion 200 g
carrot orange 200 g
mushrooms 100 g
shiitake mushrooms 120 g
chickpeas 1 pcs
waxy potato 300 g
tomato 200 g
peanut oil 100 ml
cinnamon stick 1 pcs
star anise 1 pcs
cardamom pods 5 pcs
caraway seeds 0.5 pcs
fennel seeds 0.5 pcs
ginger root, peeled and finely chopped 1 pcs
cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 pcs
garam masala 1.5 pcs
Coriander leaves, finely chopped 0.25 pcs
turmeric 0.25 pcs
curry powder 1 pcs
harissa (tl) 0.5 pcs
vegetable broth 1200 ml
vegan kitchen cream 400 ml
Coriander leaves, finely chopped 20 g

Nutrition and allergens

Allergens: 1
Minerals: Ca, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Pektin, Se, Zn
Vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, Kyselina listová

Nutritional value of one portion Value
Energy 548 kJ
Carbohydrate 96.8 g
Fat 3.7 g
Protein 26.8 g
Water 0 g


Cut the box white bread into 6 equal thick slices and hollow out a large hole in the middle. The inside of the white bread can be further processed, for example for croutons.
Preheat the combi steamer to 210°C combi steam with 25% humidity, 70% fan speed with a coated 100mm deep GN container. Add peanut oil and meat alternative, cook for 3 minutes, turn and cook for another 3 minutes, turn. Add onions, carrots and potatoes and cook for 3 minutes, turn and cook for another 3 minutes, turn. Add mushrooms, cinnamon stick, star anise and cardamom pods and cook for 3 minutes, then turn. Add the remaining spices, tomatoes and chickpeas and cook for 3 minutes, then turn, add liquids and change the climate to 145°C in combination steam mode, 100% humidity, 70% fan and cook for 12 minutes.
Pour the dish into the inside of the bread and serve.

A bunny chow, often called a bunny, is a specialty of South African cuisine. It classically consists of a halved (sometimes quartered) loaf of white bread, which is hollowed out and filled with a spicy curry dish made from beef, lamb, chicken or beans. Traditionally, the bunny is eaten with your hands by first dipping the inside of the loaf of bread into the curry dish and then eating the sauce-soaked outside. A salad made from grated onions, carrots, chili and white cabbage is often served as a side dish, which is also eaten mixed with the curry.

Recommended accessories

Enameled GN container

Enameled GN container