11. 2. 2025
Author: Retigo Team Deutschland
Company: RETIGO Deutschland GmbH
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Allergens: 1 Minerals: Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Zn Vitamins: A, B, B6, C, K
Finely chop the pumpernickel and fry in a little butter. Then mix with the cooked sauerkraut and leave to cool. Trim the corn-fed poulards, cut them in half lengthways and flatten them to a thickness of about 3 mm. Season the meat with salt and pepper, fill with sauerkraut and roll it up. Secure with roasting string or a roulade needle. Preheat the Retigo combi steamer to 180°C hot air and cook the roulades on a frying plate for about 10 minutes. Cool the cooked roulades in the blast chiller. Roughly chop the mushrooms for the ravioli, fry them vigorously with the shallot cubes in olive oil, season with salt, pepper and rosemary. Continue frying, deglaze with white wine, add sour cream and simmer everything for 2-3 minutes. Now bind with breadcrumbs until a slightly firm mass is formed. Then cool in the blast chiller. Roll out the pasta dough, fill with the mushroom mixture and form flat ravioli. Cook the ravioli al dente, briefly toss in melted butter and allow to cool. Halve the grapes and remove the seeds. Let the sugar and butter caramelize slightly in a pan, deglaze with white wine and add the grapes. Toss everything briefly and then cool down. For the verjus jus, heat a light poultry jus and season with verjus. If necessary, reduce a little more and thicken with starch. Serve 3-4 ravioli cold on a plate and place the cold halved roulade on top. Now regenerate in the Retigo combi steamer at combi steam 135°C with 35% RH and 80% fan wheel for 6 minutes. In the Retigo Blue Vision it is best to use the slot timer. Heat the verjus jus and the grapes. Take the regenerated plate out of the steamer, add some jus and garnish with a few grapes and a sprig of rosemary.Instead of the ravioli, you can also use fine tagliatelle with sautéed wild mushrooms.
Vision Grill
Stainless wire shelving
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