Recipe detail

Game Saddle of venison in a pumpkin crepe coat

6. 1. 2023

Author: Retigo Team Deutschland

Company: RETIGO Deutschland GmbH

Food category: Game

Cuisine: German

Program steps

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Kürbisfleisch grillen

Hot air
0 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:20 hh:mm
probe icon 180 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 

Crepe-Teig ausbacken

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:02 hh:mm
probe icon 220 °C
ventilator icon 60 %
ventilator icon 

Hirschrücken anbraten

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:03 hh:mm
probe icon 220 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 

Hirschrücken im Crepe garen

25 %
probe icon Termination by core probe temperature
probe icon54 °C
probe icon 160 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 

Ingredients - number of portions - 10

Name Value Unit

Name Value Unit
pumpkin 400 g
sea-salt 12 g
white peppercorns 3 g
vegetable oil 30 ml
chicken eggs 6 pcs
plain wheat flour 200 g
milk 3.5% 500 ml
butter 70 g
ginger root, peeled and finely chopped 10 g
rock salt 8 g
nutmeg 2 g

Name Value Unit
lean game meat 360 g
chicken liver 70 g
whipped cream 33% 125 ml
white 2 pcs
salt 4 g
white peppercorns 1 g

Name Value Unit
fried crepe 1 pcs
wild meat farce 1 pcs
deer back 2 kg
rock salt 20 g
white peppercorns 7 g
vegetable oil 20 ml

Nutrition and allergens

Allergens: 1, 3, 7
Minerals: Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Zn
Vitamins: A, B, C, Cholin, D, E, K, Kyselina listová

Nutritional value of one portion Value
Energy 418.2 kJ
Carbohydrate 28.1 g
Fat 12.8 g
Protein 52 g
Water 0 g


1. Pumpkin crepe: Mix the pumpkin flesh, sea salt, white pepper and vegetable oil well and place in a coated GN container, then grill in the combi steamer at 180°C in hot air mode with the steam flap open and fan speed of 70% for 20 minutes, then cool completely let. 2. Mix the cooled pumpkin, whole egg, flour, milk, butter, ginger, rock salt and nutmeg in a high-performance mixer to a very fine, smooth dough. 3. Preheat the combi steamer to 220°C, 25% humidity, fan speed of 60%. Use a coated, closed baking plate. Spread the crepe batter thinly on the baking plates and let it bake for 2 minutes. Our tip: use a slide-in timer. 4. Game meat farce: Process the ingredients in a high-performance blender to a fine farce. Our tip: use a Pacojet. 5. Saddle of venison in a crêpe coat: Rub the saddle of venison with sunflower oil and then season, place on a coated turning plate and fry in a preheated combi steamer: 220°C combi steam with 25% moisture for 3 minutes, then quickly cool down immediately.
Spread the farce on the crepe, then place the fried saddle of venison on top and twist it in. Then cook in the combi steamer.
Combination steam of 160°C with a humidity of 25%, with a fan speed of 70% up to a core temperature of 54°C. Then cut into thick slices and arrange on top of the vegetables and serve.