Recipe detail

Vegetarian dishes Cheese soufflé with zucchini noodles

7. 6. 2021

Author: Retigo Team Deutschland

Company: RETIGO Deutschland GmbH

Food category: Vegetarian dishes

Cuisine: German

Program steps

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Zucchini anbraten

Hot air
100 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:10 hh:mm
probe icon 200 °C
ventilator icon 70 %
ventilator icon 

Tomatenmark, Tomaten, Brühe und Gewürze zugeben, umrühren und schmoren

Hot air
100 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:10 hh:mm
probe icon 200 °C
ventilator icon 100 %
ventilator icon 

gerieben Parmesan hinzugeben, umrühren, ggf. abschmecken

Hot air
0 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:07 mm:ss
probe icon 200 °C
ventilator icon 60 %
ventilator icon 

Nudeln aus dem Kombidämpfer nehmen, Soufflé backen

30 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:40 hh:mm
probe icon 130 °C
ventilator icon 100 %
ventilator icon 

Ingredients - number of portions - 0

Name Value Unit
zucchini 1 pcs
tomato 2 pcs
tomato paste 20 g
vegetable broth 50 ml
parmesan cheese 50 g
salt 3 g
whole black pepper 1 g
olive oil 20 ml
cloves garlic, finely chopped 0.5 pcs

Name Value Unit
butter 75 g
plain wheat flour 75 g
milk 3.5% 380 ml
parmesan cheese 140 g
chicken eggs 4 pcs
salt 3 g
whole black pepper 1 g
nutmeg 1 g

Nutrition and allergens

Allergens: 1, 3, 7
Minerals: Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Zn
Vitamins: A, B, C, Cholin, D, E, K, Kyselina listová

Nutritional value of one portion Value
Energy 0 kJ
Carbohydrate 0 g
Fat 0 g
Protein 0 g
Water 0 g


Place the olive oil in a coated GN container or, if there are a few portions, in a Retigo Pan. Using a vegetable peeler, cut the zucchini into thin strips and add them. Fry the zucchini in hot air mode at 200°C for 10 minutes.
Then stir through, add tomato paste, tomatoes, garlic and stock and continue simmering for another 10 minutes. Remove the container, stir well, add the Parmesan and spices, season to taste and keep warm. For the soufflé, make a béchamel from butter, flour and milk and season it with the spices.
Separate the eggs, stir the egg yolks and Parmesan into the still warm béchamel and set aside. Beat the egg white until stiff and fold in.
Pour the mixture into previously buttered and floured molds, not too high.
Bake in a preheated combi steamer in combi steaming mode at 130°C, 40% fan speed, cycled fan, 30% humidity for approx. 40 minutes.
Top with the zucchini noodles and serve immediately.

Recommended accessories

Vision Pan

Vision Pan