11. 1. 2021
Author: Retigo Team Deutschland
Company: RETIGO Deutschland GmbH
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Petersilienwurzelcremesuppe - anbraten
Brühe auffüllen
Sahne hinzugeben
Gebackene Medjol mit Feta - vorheizen auf 230°C
Allergens: 1 Minerals: Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Zn Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, K, Kyselina listová
Parsley root cream soup: Peel the parsley root and potatoes and cut them into coarse cubes. Peel the light shallots and also cut them into coarse cubes. Preheat a coated, deep GN container in the combi steamer at 180°C / 25% humidity / 100% fan speed with the clarified butter, then sweat the roots, potatoes and shallots in it until slightly translucent for 6 minutes, stirring once halfway through. Then reduce the temperature to 140°C with the same parameter settings and deglaze with white wine, let it reduce for 2 minutes. Then switch to steam mode and add the vegetable broth/spices and let it steam for 40 minutes. Top up with cream and let steam for another 10 minutes. Then puree the soup and strain it, seasoning again if necessary. Baked stuffed coated Medjol dates: Cut the dates in half lengthwise, remove the core and fill with an oblong bar of feta, press the date together and coat with pancetta (20 slices) and screw in tightly. Place the pancetta with the overlapping side down on a coated turning plate and grill in the combi steamer at 220°C / 20% humidity / 100% fan speed for 3 minutes. Decoration: Cut the parsley and spring garlic (2 stalks) into fine strips and rings and add them over the soup.
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